
Visualize the Growth of Reverse Mortgages in the United States

While most were enjoying their Thanksgiving weekend, I was figuring out how to visualize reverse mortgage data for our new Reverse Base project.

Soon, we will roll out a new visualization tool that allows you to see heat-maps of where reverse mortgage volume is in your local area.  To start, I took all the HECM data from 1990 to September 2010 and created this map. Each year, the map updates to show you where the industry was growing and shrinking.

If you press play, you can see how HECM volume has changed over the history over the last 20 years – the darker the state, the more loans are being closed.  It’s interesting to see how until 2001, reverse mortgage volume in Texas was nonexistent due to laws in the Lone Star state.  But once the loans were allowed, the state starts to take off quickly.

Want to see a bigger version of the heat map? See here.

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