
ReverseBase: Bringing Lender Data and Information Online

image Do you ever wonder where a company like One Reverse Mortgage does most of its business?  If so, there’s an app for that.

We developed ReverseBase as a tool to look up information on reverse mortgage lenders and get a better idea of how they’re performing.  Currently, it allows you to see reverse mortgage lender data broken down in the following views:

  • YTD Volume
  • Annual Volume
  • Top States
  • Top Sponsors (Wholesale Lenders)

This is just the beginning, we also have access to HECM data drilled down to the city, county, zip, rate type, principal limit, and max claim amount.  Why did we leave this out?

Simple, we wanted to to make sure we could actually pull off something like ReverseBase before we jumped into adding more features.  So, here are a couple things which will be added very soon:

  • A re-design – Reverse Base is very simple and we like it that way.  However, we know it needs to change.  By the end of the month, it will look totally different. Want to get a sneak peak?  Check it out.
  • Download data – the charts provide users the ability to download the data to a CSV or excel spreadsheet so you can slice and dice the data as you please. 
  • Rankings – When you pull up a lender like Wells Fargo, you will see an activity box which will show how they rank… #1 at the moment.
  • More Data – We have access to lots more data, but we need to hear how you want to use it, so please, don’t hesitate to tell us.

Last but not least, we will be adding other companies besides lenders to Reverse Base.  So if you’re a reverse mortgage servicer or technology provider, you will be able to add your company information in the near future.

We already have the majority of reverse mortgage lenders added to the database, but if you don’t see your company listed you can add it here

Users also have the ability to edit lender detail, so if you see your company listed but address, phone number, and logo aren’t included, feel free to add it.  (note: All modifications will need to be approved before they’re published)

We’re pretty excited about Reverse Base, so please check it out and let use know what you think. 

Reverse Base

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