
Reverse Mortgages Critical in Financial Planning, Can the Middle Class Retire?

ReverseFocusReverse Focus Weekly Podcast Episode #301

In this week’s Reverse Focus podcast, Shannon Hicks discusses winding down government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is at the crux of housing finance reform, according to a bipartisan agreement within the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. 

Singapore is taking a second look at reverse mortgages as a way to help the country’s aging population during their retirement years, with government officials currently reviewing an “Enhanced Lease Buyback scheme.”

Also discussed, a panel of policy experts probed the question of whether or not middle class Americans can afford to retire in today’s economy, considering the growing inadequacies of conventional savings assets like IRAs and 401(k) plans.

Lastly, a financial publication regarded reverse mortgages as critical to retirement planning, especially as many retirees today try to recoup their savings lost in the wake of the economic recession.

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Talking Points:

  • Senate committee talks GSE wind-down 
  • Singapore takes closer look at reverse mortgages
  • Senate probes middle class retirement crisis
  • Reverse mortgages crucial, says financial publication

Listen Now. “Reverse Focus is the ultimate resource for reverse mortgage professionals providing the technology, training and marketing to grow your business. We are your one-stop resource for those committed to taking their business to the next level.” Editor’s Note: These posts are sponsored by Reverse Focus.

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