
Reverse Fortunes Hooks Up With MetLife, Rolling Out Lead Central Soon

Reverse Fortunes, a customer relationship manager (CRM), released new features to help streamline the lead-to-client process last week.

Designed specifically for reverse mortgage originators, customers now have the ability submit loans to MetLife’s wholesale division seamlessly from within the system using “easy buttons.”

“Using our CRM originators can eliminate double data entry and simplify the lead to client process,” said Eric Hiatt, president of Reverse Fortunes.

The whole idea behind the easy buttons is to allow originators to spend their time working with clients, instead of re-keying borrower information, said Hiatt. Along with MetLife, originators still have the ability to submit borrower information to Reverse Vision as well as Security One Lending’s wholesale channel.

The company is also rolling out Lead Central, a service built into their CRM that allows originators to purchase and import reverse mortgage leads all from within the system.

Expected to be released early this summer, Hiatt told RMD they’re only working with quality lead providers in the industry but didn’t have specific companies yet.  At the end of the day, the new features were added “so originators can stick to what they do best, helping their clients achieve their financial goals,” he said.

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