
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Deemed Biggest Celebrity Drag on Real Estate

Which celebrities are most likely to devalue their neighbors’ properties? A Zillow survey released this week indicates Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are considered America’s worst neighbors, with more than a third of those surveys reporting they would prefer not to live near a celebrity at all. 

For those who say they would like to have a celebrity neighbor, late-night show host and comedian Jimmy Fallon received the highest percentage of votes, with Miranda Lambert, Blake Shelton and Jennifer Lawrence tying for second place. 

Zillow’s annual survey found the entire cast of the reality TV show “Honey Boo Boo” placed second on the worst-of neighbors list, followed by Justin Beiber and Mylie Cyrus. 

“It’s been a landmark year for Jimmy Fallon. He had his first baby, headlined a successful comedy tour and was named Jay Leno’s successor to ‘The Tonight Show.’ He carries a positive, funny and relatable vibe, which people would love to have in a neighbor,” said Zillow Chief Marketing Officer Amy Bohutinsky. “Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, on the other hand, have a reputation for living an over-the-top lifestyle, with drama and the paparazzi never too far behind.”

Zillow noted the lack of celebrity neighbor desirability this year, as the percentage of people who prefer not to live near famous neighbors is 34%, though down from 45% last year. 

“No one wants to live next door to a family who has cameras following them everywhere and seems to seek out as much attention as possible,” Bohutinsky said. “However, with more than one-third of surveyed Americans preferring a non-celebrity neighbor, what remains clear is that many people don’t want to live next to any celebrity, regardless of why they are famous.”

Written by Elizabeth Ecker

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