
Investigation Finds Former HUD Employee Violated Lobbying Laws

The findings of a federal probe have implicated a former Department of Housing and Urban Development for violating lobbying rules during his time in the administration in 2012. 

The investigation finds Maurice Jones, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s new commerce secretary, improperly lobbied Congress last year during his time at HUD, according to a Washington Times report

Serving as as deputy secretary at HUD, Jones sent an email to more than 1,000 people including dozens within HUD, asking them to reach out to Senators in an effort to prevent a housing bill to come to a vote, according to the Washington Times. 

The inspector general deemed the communication in violation of anti-lobbying laws as well as HUD policy on lobbying federal employees. 

“[Deputy secretary] stated that it was articulated to him that ‘I could do things that others could not,’” investigators wrote in the report obtained by The Washington Times. 

Read the full report by the Washington Times.

Written by Elizabeth Ecker

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