
Fox Business: Reverse Mortgage Heirs Need Not Worry

Fox Business Network addresses a question this week from a reverse mortgage borrower who is worried about her heirs and how they will repay the loan or respond to a foreclosure of the home.

Explaining to the borrower that the heirs will not owe more than the home is worth at the time of sale, Fox Business’s debt advisor says the borrowers need not worry about repayment for this reason.

The advisor writes:

It’s very sweet of you to worry about your children. But I think you’re worrying unnecessarily.

After only two years, the balance due couldn’t have risen tremendously. If your kids are concerned about keeping your home, they can pay off the balance by buying the place now instead of letting the mortgage consume more equity.

If they can’t afford to buy your house now, they may be able to in the future. No one can predict what the future will look like for your kids.

As for a foreclosure: A foreclosure happens when a debtor doesn’t satisfy a loan agreement secured by real estate. In your case, the sale of the home will satisfy the loan agreement in full. Hence, there will be no foreclosure. This is not something that you need to worry about with a reverse mortgage. Your reverse mortgage is a nonrecourse loan that is secured by your home. The deed to the house is all that is needed to satisfy the contract.

Should your home be worth more than what is owed on the reverse mortgage at the time of your death, your heirs will have the option to sell the home, pay off the reverse mortgage and pocket the remaining equity. Conversely, if there is no equity left in the home after your death, your executor needs only to turn over the deed to the home, and the contract for the reverse mortgage loan is satisfactorily fulfilled.

Read the full Q&A at

Written by Elizabeth Ecker

Editor’s note: A previous version of this article incorrectly identified the source of this column as Fox Business News. The source is Fox Business Network. RMD regrets the error. 

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