
Data Shows Older American Home Values Stopped Falling in 4Q

Golden Gateway LogoGolden Gateway Financial released new usage data from its online reverse mortgage calculator showing that average home values for older Americans have halted their slide after remaining flat or declining for seven consecutive quarters.

The national average self-reported home value of older Americans rose from $369,762 in the third quarter of 2009 to $381,895 in the fourth quarter of 2009 said Golden Gateway.

Older Americans were one of the last segments of the population to see home prices rebound, but overall home values for seniors remain significantly lower than 2008 levels. Despite this rise in the national average, the report also showed significant decline in many large states, including Florida, Texas and New York.

This mixed recovery in terms of senior home values will likely continue as individual markets reduce inventory and regain their footing. Data from the most recent S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices shows that many markets within these states continue to show improvement, and this should eventually contribute to an increase in home values for older Americans as well.

“Even a minimal gain in home value is a reassuring sign for older Americans because many of these individuals live on a fixed income and rely on their home to support their retirement lifestyle,” said Eric Bachman, founder and CEO of Golden Gateway Financial. “This is especially true for those considering a reverse mortgage because as their home increases in value, so does their potential for greater reverse mortgage proceeds.”

Additional observations from the data include:

  • The average age of users remained roughly consistent
  • Self-reported senior home values rose by a little more than three percent between the third and fourth quarter of 2009
  • The average existing forward mortgage debt dropped slightly to $143,360
  • Reverse mortgage average max up front proceeds available rose by roughly three percent while the average max monthly proceeds available dropped by 13 percent

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