
Chart of the Day: Value of the HECM Portfolio? $5.8 Billion in 2017

The latest actuarial report of the Federal Housing Administration’s reverse mortgage program shows estimates of the overall economic value of the HECM portfolio will fall to negative $503 million in fiscal year 2010 but increase to $5.8 billion in 2017.

According to the report, the increase in value is most significant between FY 2010 and FY 2011 − where the economic value of the individual books of business is estimated to increase from negative $772 million for the FY 2010 book to positive $538 million for the FY 2011 book.  The increase is due to various reasons, including higher premium rates, the introduction of the HECM Saver, and the forecasted house price recovery.

Chart: Value of HECM Portfolio2


Value of HECM Portfolio2

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