As they continue to seek growth in 2012, many reverse mortgage lenders are staffing up. With new jobs open across the industry, lenders are seeking originators, underwriters and other reverse mortgage professionals to fill new open positions. For originators seeking new homes or operations professionals looking to make a change, there are open opportunities across the country with lenders large and small. From coast to coast and from retail to wholesale, check out the following job openings. For a complete list of jobs, visit Reverse Mortgage Jobs Online.
Check out the opportunities below.
- Servicing operations and management (Lansing, MI) Celink
- Compliance Team Lead (Rancho Cordova, Calif.) Genworth Financial
- Mortgage Processor (San Diego) Quicken Loans
- Underwriter (San Diego) Quicken Loans
- Client Care Specialist (San Diego) Quicken Loans
- Post Closer (San Diego) Quicken Loans
- Compliance Officer (Tulsa, Okla.) Urban Financial Group/Robert Wagner Reverse Mortgage
- Wholesale Account Manager (Mid-Atlantic, Va.) Genworth Financial
- Reverse Mortgage Underwriter (Melville, N.Y.) Continental Home Loans
- Reverse Mortgage Loan Officer (Hawaii, New York) Associated Mortgage Bankers
- Reverse Originator (Melville, N.Y.) US Mortgage Corporation
- Underwriter (Mahwah, N.J.) Nationwide Equities
- Retail Sales Manager (Northern N.J.) Nationwide Equities
- Fed Charter Now Hiring Reverse LO’s Nationally (Nationwide) RLO/RecruitingLoanOfficers
- Loan Officer (Nationwide) Reverse Mortgage USA
- Reverse Mortgage Sales Executive (Select States) Reverse Mortgage Solutions
- Reverse Mortgage Originator (Plainville) Reverse Mortgage of New England
- Reverse Originator/Branch Manager (Not specified) Open Mortgage
- Wholesale Account Executive (NY, NJ, CT, FL, PA, ME) Nationwide Equities
- Reverse Mortgage Specialist (Various) Genworth Financial
- Reverse Mortgage Consultant (Northern CA) 1st Reverse Mortgage USA, a Division of Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc.
- Reverse Mortgage Consultant (Texas) 1st Reverse Mortgage USA, a Division of Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc.
- Reverse Mortgage Consultant (Washington State) 1st Reverse Mortgage USA, a Division of Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc.
- Reverse Mortgage Consultant (Colorado) 1st Reverse Mortgage USA, a Division of Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc.
- Reverse Mortgage Branch Manager (Nationwide) 1st Reverse Mortgage USA, a Division of Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc.
- Reverse Mortgage Consultant (Southern CA) 1st Reverse Mortgage USA, a Division of Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc.
- Reverse Mortgage Originators (Various) First National Bank
Visit our website for additional opportunities in the reverse mortgage industry.
The best and the brightest read RMD. Want them to join your team? Post your jobs to Reverse Mortgage Jobs Online today!