2024 Rising Star: Anaid Chacón

Anaid Chacón

Anaid Chacón brings an engineer’s curiosity to her role as senior vice president of product at Argyle, where she has already proven a catalyst for innovation since joining less than a year ago. In the last six months she has pushed Argyle’s integrations with ICE’s Encompass and Dark Matter’s Empower LOS over the finish line, helped cement Argyle’s place as an authorized report supplier for Fannie Mae’s Desktop Underwriter validation service and closed the books on a year that welcomed 50 new customers in the mortgage space alone. A former Dropbox executive with more than a decade of proven leadership in product management and tech innovation, Chacón is keeping Argyle at the vanguard of financial technology with a focus on simple, customer-oriented solutions to the complex problems presented by a heavily regulated industry.

Chacón leads Argyle’s product, design, and analytics teams. As a former engineer and self-described perfectionist, she loves to break complex processes down into their component parts and rebuild them better. She’s also experienced firsthand how cumbersome the mortgage process can be for borrowers. Both perspectives have informed Anaid’s understanding of the mortgage industry’s pain points and shaped her approach to product development. In 2023, the year Anaid joined Argyle, more than 50 mortgage lenders switched to Argyle’s VOI/E platform from other providers. In the last six months alone, Anaid’s teams have delivered three major projects: Argyle’s integration with the number one and two loan origination systems in the industry and its support for day one certainty as an authorized report supplier for Fannie Mae’s Desktop Underwriter (DU) validation service.

Chacón has been a motivating force from day one, guiding the team to focus not on developing products to sell, but on creating solutions that solve problems for Argyle’s customers. Chacón’s leadership style is centered around empowerment. She ensures every member of her team knows not only what they need to do, but why it is important and what resources are available to support their efforts. 

What is one thing you would tell a younger version of yourself?

If you had told me 20 years ago that I would be SVP of product for a fintech startup serving the U.S. mortgage industry, I would have found that almost unimaginable. I found my way here by remaining open to new experiences and willing to learn and challenge myself — but it hasn’t always been easy. So I would encourage my younger self to trust the journey and to recognize that when things feel hard, it’s often a sign that you’re on the path to great things. When you follow your curiosity, it can lead you to places you never imagined you could go.


Anaid Chacón




Senior Vice President of Product

Company Name:

Argyle Mortgage

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