2023 Rising Star: Jozef Hlavek


Jozef Hlavek is the director of product management for Rocket Homes. Hlavek has brought his detail-oriented work ethic and passion to the team, developing and leading many successful initiatives at Rocket to assist clients in their home-buying journeys. Working alongside technology and analyzing data to drive achievement, Hlavek digs into the weeds of Rocket Homes processes to uncover better ways to develop products that make home buying or selling easier for consumers.

Hlavek personally took on the Rocket Platform integration challenge and lead the internal process changes required to make the Rocket client experience much more seamless. By identifying and eliminating any disconnects between the technology and product teams, Hlavek ensures a collaborative process that fast-tracks products for Rocket clients to utilize to make homebuying all the easier. Programs such as Rocket Rewards — an engaging way for clients to build reward points within the Rocket ecosystem — is just one of the products Hlavek spearheaded. Hlavek created a failure-friendly environment that encourages team members to lean on and trust one another as their ideas develop. In addition to encouraging his team members to believe in these concepts, Hlavek takes on this approach himself, leading by example through trusting the team around him to get the job done no matter who birthed the idea originally. This attitude allows Hlavek, the team and the company to grow together in the name of creating a better experience for the client.

What is one thing you would tell a younger version of yourself?

Let feedback be constructive – not personal. I used to be so married to my ideas, they wouldn’t be able to go anywhere because I was not willing to make the proposed changes. I would tell my younger self to let go and trust the people around me because they have the company’s best interest at heart, so it’s okay for things to develop differently than I may have originally planned.


Jozef Hlavek




Digital Product Management Director

Company Name:

Rocket Homes


Real Estate

3d rendering of a row of luxury townhouses along a street

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