2023 HW Tech Trendsetter: Gareth Borcherds

Gareth Borcherds

Gareth Borcherds has led Ascent Software Group in continuous innovation and growth as the managing director since he started the company in 2018. He started with the idea of shortening the lead time on appraisals and has pushed to make a change to do exactly that. After running an appraisal management company for multiple years, Borcherds knew what he wanted to see in an appraiser platform and what is necessary to make the job easier.

As managing director, Borcherds stands as an exemplary leader, known for his unwavering commitment to fostering innovation and inclusivity. His leadership style is marked by an open-mindedness that welcomes diverse ideas, and he treats each idea with the utmost respect. Continuously striving to enhance the lives of his employees, streamline customer workflows and contribute positively to the community, Borcherds empowers his team to make informed decisions. He carefully selects and supports talented individuals, allowing them to flourish and succeed based on their own merits.

Under Borcherds’s visionary guidance, the entire Ascent team has disrupted the traditionally stagnant appraisal industry, injecting innovation at every stage of the appraisal lifecycle. Ascent’s flagship product, JaroDesk, has significantly reduced industry-standard turnaround times, demonstrating Borcherds’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of software excellence. As a software company, Ascent remains dedicated to delivering the best user experience, providing world-class customer service and eliminating pain points for clients and end users, which Borcherds strives to achieve.

Borcherds’s forward-thinking approach is poised to reshape the landscape of the U.S. real estate appraisal market through Ascent.


Gareth Borcherds


Managing Director

Company Name:

Ascent Software Group

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