2023 HW Marketing Leader: Prakash Karnani


Prakash Karnani is a respected colleague, reliable and collaborative team member, leader and mentor. As executive vice president of marketing and technology, Karnani’s ambitious vision extends throughout all of Homespire, and he facilitates collaboration across departments to bring his ideas to life and implement initiatives that better both the employee and client experience.

Over the past 9 years with Homespire, Karnani has proven himself to be an invaluable resource for the entire company. An integral part of the executive team, he not only excels in his role as head of marketing and IT, but he also provides guidance and direction on almost all aspects of company operations. Karnani is passionate about every project he touches. His visionary approach and creative mind have been the catalyst for many new programs, both internal with the goal of bettering the employee experience as well as external, enhancing the company’s services and support for clients and partners. He prioritizes maintaining a positive company culture and steered the initiative to launch employee-led committees, giving many who wouldn’t otherwise work outside their department the opportunity for cross-functional interaction and collaboration. When culture took a backseat for many during the challenges of 2022, Karnani worked to ensure Homespire stayed true to its values and always put people first, using it as a guiding light during tough decisions.


Prakash Karnani


Executive Vice President of Marketing and Technology

Company Name:

Homespire Mortgage



3d rendering of a row of luxury townhouses along a street

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