2022 HW Tech Trendsetter: Glen Banta


Glen Banta, chief technology officer at TMS, exhibits a rare combination of abilities, as he is both a visionary leader with a plan for the future and a practical pragmatist that remains rooted in the real world. He possesses a true mastery of information technology in addition to superb leadership skills. Banta is the driving force that keeps TMS running smoothly, secure from threat and prepared for the future.

In the open and collaborative environment at TMS, Banta and his teams are included in all aspects of strategic ideation. As a result of this inclusion, Banta can bring his skill set to the forefront and impact the trajectory of the organization. Banta is consistently seeking out solutions designed for other sectors while possessing the rare ability to translate them into viable and effective solutions. With the knowledge of virtually every technology solution available and the skill set to bring them to fruition, Banta is able to enhance the performance of existing systems, while implementing cutting-edge solutions to drive efficiency and improve performance for all stakeholders.


Glen Banta


Chief Technology Officer

Company Name:


3d rendering of a row of luxury townhouses along a street

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