
Hot Seat: Reza Jahangiri

From the best job he has ever had to his most memorable moment, we get the personal and professional facts from Reza Jahangiri, CEO of American Advisors Group, in our monthly edition of The Hot Seat.

You can’t always be crazy, but you should try.

Ten years from now I want to have a footprint in the music or food biz.

My favorite website is the Drudge Report… I’m a news junkie, even if the stories are a bit junkie!

I never miss an episode of Six Feet Under. Oh wait, that was five years ago… I guess I don’t watch much TV.

The best job I’ve ever had: No-brainer: It’s AAG.

The worst job I’ve ever had was valet parking, although it taught me how to be a good tipper.

My favorite time of the day is dusk. It’s beautiful in Southern California as the sun is setting into the ocean.

Right now I’m listening to: Wow, this one’s tough. Wilco, M. Ward, Andrew Bird, Josh Ritter, Ryan Adams, Jenny Lewis, Elvis Costello and Paul Simon. I like Muzak.

I’ve never lived outside of Newport Beach, which is kind of sad.  I want to spend at least a few years in NYC before I grow up.

I always try to stay away from coffee, but it’s difficult.

The best lesson I’ve ever learned was to not be judgmental; life is more gray than black and white.

The most memorable moment in my life was when I got to jam with Elvis Costello by chance in Prague.

A good friend is one who loves you for who you are, but is willing to call you out when you are not being yourself.

The worst purchase I’ve ever made was commercial real estate in 2005!

The best purchase I’ve ever made was a J-45 Gibson.

The future of reverse mortgages is excellent. Why else would we all be reading this mag? Only the tip of the iceberg has been exposed in connection with our industry. As product awareness increases, the housing market settles and the senior population continues to grow, the market will take off.

The greatest setback for our industry was the global financial crisis. Not only did it eat into home equity, I think it had a negative impact on the mindset of many seniors in connection with financial products.

The most fascinating thing about the reverse mortgage industry is how it has been around for more than 20 years (FHA-insured) and is still so misunderstood.

If I could change one thing about the reverse mortgage industry it would be to increase awareness.

The ideal characteristics of leaders in the industry are: Passionate, determined, systems-driven, creative and willing to fight.

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