At only 30 years old, Chad Crile opened a Fairway Independent Mortgage office in Northwest Indiana and hit the ground running. He tripled his volume in short order. Since then, Crile has grown his footprint with the help of the corporate team, the local branch and by hiring hungry, humble, smart teammates. Crile’s volume went from $25 million in 2019 to $45 million in 2020, $82 million in 2021 and held strong even in 2022 at $72 million.
Crile’s leadership philosophy is captured in the phrase, “be prepared to give a little now to gain a lot in the future.” He has found that being generous with those reporting to him now with his time, expertise, resources and financial acumen has opened many doors down the road as those teammates went on to soar to new levels, bringing all those around them up as well. Crile gives back to his community and partnered with Fairway’s non-profit American Warrior Initiative, giving away a service dog to a deserving veteran. Crile loves volunteering at local food banks and working with the Fairway Ignite coaching organization where he mentors loan officers across the country and assists them in reaching their goals.
What is one habit that has helped you succeed?
One daily mindset that has helped me succeed is treating everyone the way I’d want to be treated. Teammates, clients and referral partners will never forget how we make them feel. With this business being so relational, it is vital to put yourself in the shoes of others and meet them where they are.
Chad Crile
Loan Officer
Company Name:
Fairway Independent Mortgage